Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I love my parent's home. We visit my parents almost every week. It is absolutely one of my favorite places to be.

I want our children to feel that way about our home. I want them to feel like their home is a haven. I want us to have lively conversations about the Gospel, theology, and the church (growing up, we discussed these topics often and still do!). I want it to be their favorite place too.

I want to cultivate in our children a love for family and for home. I want to cultivate in our boys a desire for a wife and a family. In order for them to grow up and be good husbands and fathers, we will need to teach them how to be. Who better to teach them how to love and cherish their wives then their dad? Where better to teach them than in their homes where they have seen their dad love and serve their mother?

Same goes for our girls. I want to instill in them a love for their future husbands and children. I want them to have a desire to stay at home with their kids and not pursue any careers outside of their homes. The best way to teach our girls this Biblical model is for me, their mother, to teach them. They will learn by seeing me serve and submit graciously to their father. They will learn by seeing me joyfully serve our family through daily tasks like cooking and cleaning.

Most of all, Justin and I want to instill in our children a love for Scripture. We want them to understand the importance of establishing a God-centered theology. We want them to be fully devoted to the message of the Gospel. We want them to be bold, able to proclaim the Truth to their generation. Where better to learn the truths found in Scripture then from their parents in their home? Home is where they will be able to see first hand the effects of the Gospel in people's lives.